Ihtisham Fazal | Global Media Interventions
Project | Cyberbullying in digital media platforms
Student | Ihtisham Fazal | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ihtisham-fazal-55a980186/
Course | BCM332 Global Media Interventions
Assignment | A Digital artifact with a wide scope for creativity and experimentation which can take the form of a public service announcement (PSA), micro mashup, rhetorical remix montage sequence, micro-narrative/drama, satirical news story, etc. Whatever the form and style, the audio-visual work must express critical thinking and reflection on a specific topic/issue explored in this subject.
Program | Bachelor of Communication and Media
License summary | The author (student) of the work owns the copyright. Please copy this link at the footer of your website, blog, or newsletter, or in the credits section (http://www.eugenieshek.com), or contact the student for attribution.